Glenn Karl Smith 8/31/1964 – 9/15/2020
Glenn Karl Smith passed away suddenly on Tuesday, September 15 th , 2020 in Webster, NY at the age of 56. (not related to Covid-19)
Glenn was born in Lorain, Ohio on August 31 st , 1964 to Charles (Chuck) Allen Smith and Wanda Nell Hatfield Smith. His family moved to Illinois for a few years, where his sister Dianna was born, before settling in Grand Junction, Colorado. Glenn graduated from Grand Junction High School in 1982 and from Mesa State University in 1987. He then moved to Weslaco, Texas to teach computer programming to high school students for the next 3 years. In 1992 he moved to Austin, Texas and began working for the University of Texas, installing and running the network that allowed students to plug into and use the internet in their dorm rooms. While working at UT he met and married his wife Nancy in 1998, and in 1999 they relocated to the Rochester area where he began his 21-year career at Xerox. They moved to their newly built house in Webster in 2000 and started their family in 2001. They welcomed 3 amazing daughters, Logan, Brynn and Tegan, as well as a number of 4-legged female family members throughout the years.
As a teenager and in his early 20s he enjoyed horses. He and his sister Dianna and their parents went to numerous horse shows and rodeos every year, and traveled all over Colorado doing so. His experience with horses really helped him later on when he needed to braid his 3 daughters’ hair as they were growing up.
While he was working for the University of Texas, he found a printing glitch in Windows 98 and created a solution to fix the glitch. The University helped him market his solution and he received royalties for his fix for many years until Windows 98 became history. While working for Xerox he traveled across the country as well as around the world helping customers get their computers and printers to communicate effectively and fixing bugs others couldn’t find. Glenn also received 17 United States Patents during his time at Xerox.
Glenn adored his daughters, and was involved in all of the activities they participated in. He dressed as Joseph the Christmas his family was asked to stand in for the Holy Family when Tegan was a new baby. He participated in many walks for World Breastfeeding Week and supported La Leche League with Nancy when their girls were little. He learned to coach soccer and became the coach of Logan’s 1 st grade Presidential Soccer team. He danced on stage with Logan and Tegan during recitals with Dancing with Denise. He also learned to teach archery so that he could help at Girl Scout Campouts. He took Brynn to New York City to see Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway, to share her love of musical theater. He stood out in the freezing temperatures with the girls as they sold thousands of boxes of Girl Scout cookies. He showed up to help Nancy with concessions at each of the girls’ shows, plays and musicals, and often brought the things Nancy forgot or needed to Girl Scout meetings, PTSA events, concession stands, etc. He chaperoned field trips. Being involved in the things his girls were involved in brought him great joy!
He became one of the co-coaches of the girls’ Odyssey of the Mind teams each year, for most of their years in school. In addition, Glenn was the Klem North OOTM coordinator for many years as well as often being a judge at various regional and state competitions. In March of 2019, all 3 girls as well as 2 friends were on the same team and they won 1 st place in the Regional competition and then went on to earn 3 rd place in the State competition in Binghamton!
Glenn discovered he enjoyed building for the girls. He began with a picnic table when Logan was not even old enough to sit up. Then he built a small toddler slide/swing climber and a small playhouse. As those were outgrown, he built a large swing set and another large climbing structure with a slide, bars and a rock wall. Their backyard playground was loved by friends and neighbors for many years! Once the girls hit middle school and high school, he helped build sets for each of their plays and musicals and this also was a source of great pride for him.
Glenn could be found at just about every performance, concert, recital, competition and event that his girls were a part of. He was so proud of all they accomplished and how they each persevered!
Glenn loved watching football, especially the University of Texas Longhorns and the Denver Broncos. His wife and daughters teased that he even watched the games with his eyes closed on many occasions. On the day he proposed to Nancy on January 25 th , 1998, the Broncos won their first Super Bowl, and then went on to win the next year as well. On Logan’s first Thanksgiving the Broncos played the Cowboys in Dallas, TX so Glenn, Nancy and their mini cheerleader traveled to Dallas to attend the game and then celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with Nancy’s mother, Debbie the next day at her home. A couple of years ago when the Broncos were in Buffalo, NY to play the Bills, Glenn’s sister, Dianna, bought him tickets to the game for his birthday and he and Nancy again got to see a game in person. He really enjoyed those games!
Glenn loved everything Star Trek! He loved the original Star Trek show, Next Generation, and every other series as well. He watched the Star Trek movies over and over. Most recently he and Nancy enjoyed watching the newest series, Picard. When they got married, Nancy tried to order the Deep Space Nine ship for his groom’s cake. Unfortunately, Google didn’t exist yet, and the baker had no idea what the ship was supposed to look like, so his groom cake did not turn out quite as expected which was funny for all attending their reception.
He taught his family to love camping and for the past 16 years they have enjoyed camping trips all over New York state in their pop-up camper. He also took them on several multi-week, cross-country trips over the years. He and his family also enjoyed camping with many family friends throughout the years as well as joining the Magical Flying Camper Club at many rallies. This past August they were able to enjoy trips to Hamlin and Letchworth in their new-to-them travel trailer that Glenn spent quite a bit of time fixing up over the summer.
Glenn was often told he looked like Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies and he enjoyed dressing up like him on Halloweens, including when he took toddler Logan out dressed as his little pet dragon Norbert, and a few years later when Logan was Hermione, Brynn was Ginny and Tegan was his wee little spider Aragog.
He was mistaken as pro wrestler Mick Foley on numerous occasions. A couple of years ago the real Mick Foley was appearing at the Red Wings game in Rochester, NY, and Logan bought Glenn and Nancy tickets to go so they could meet his doppelganger. Glenn enjoyed being mistaken as Mick Foley by many little kids during the game that day as well as getting pictures and an autograph from his look-alike. Last year the real Mick Foley cut off his long curly hair and so he no longer looked like Glenn but they enjoyed reconnecting at a concert and taking pictures together again.
After his gastric bypass surgery in 2013 and his 140+ pounds of weight loss, and with his beautiful long curls, Glenn was most recently told several times that he looked like Jesus.
Being 6 foot 3 inches tall, he was very helpful to nearby shoppers who needed something off the top shelves. Nancy was often told of his kindness in helping others. He was recognized all over Webster and was easy to spot in a crowd since he was usually a head taller than most of the people around him. His truck was also easy to spot, especially with the many holiday decorations he would adorn it with over the years.
Glenn was preceded in death by his grandparents, his father Charles Allen Smith, his step-father Alex Valencia, 2 uncles, his mother-in-law Debbie Prather, and his only sister, Dianna Smith, who passed just 3 ½ weeks before Glenn.
He is survived by his mother Wanda Hatfield Smith Valencia, his wife Nancy Prather Smith, his 3 precious daughters Logan Smith, Brynn Smith and Tegan Smith, as well as dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, nieces, and nephews, and hundreds of amazing friends!!!
Although he made mistakes, had regrets, felt sadness and was hurt by the loss of his sister, nothing can take away the memories of his amazing smile, his funny and sarcastic remarks, his love for his family and the kindness he showed to so many people who crossed his path throughout his life. He spent 2 weeks in August helping his mom with things she needed around her house in Colorado after the passing of his sister. Out of all the people in the world he chose Nancy to become his best friend as well as his wife for 22 years and blessed her with 3 fabulous daughters who will carry on his legacy, his sense of humor and his memories! Please remember him fondly and share stories you have of Glenn with his family often!