Despite the best efforts of a prior series of fires and floods, Jerold B. Baker (55, Rochester, NY), left this world of his own volition on April 24th 2021.
He is predeceased by his father and brother, both Thomas Baker, niece Stephanie Baker and long time friend, John Datz. When asked if he was excited to be reunited with any of them, the decedent remained silent. Jerry is survived by his daughter Haley Waver, her immediate family, and the loving community of which he was a part.
He spent his days caring for his family, both the one into which he was born and the one he found among his neighbors. He was joined in this pursuit by his neighborhood cat friend, who asked to remain anonymous. Formally employed as a machinist, Jerry enjoyed working with his hands, and his head. Whether that meant tending to the house or confounding his friends and family with his encyclopedic knowledge of the shortest words in Scrabble, he was absolutely full of useless knowledge if nothing else. Forever a fan of the Chicago Bears, he felt they did better if he was not watching and preferred to periodically check the score via channel flipping instead. Seeing as he will now always be watching over us, the Bears will probably not fair very well as a result.
Loved by some, tolerated by many, annoyed by most, Jerry will be deeply missed. Also, if anyone at the local Walgreens is wondering what happen to him, well, now you know.
Memorial arrangements to be announced at a later date. For details, please email