Thomas Alvin Bradshaw Jr. was born on December 28 th , 1952, to Thomas and Irene of Carmel – by – the – Sea California. He passed away in Rochester NY, on May 25 th , 2022. He was always and adventurer at heart. When he could no longer quiet his longing, he left the University of Oklahoma for the sea.
He became an underwater treasure hunter and was part of the team that discovered the wreck of the Spanish Galleon Ship, “the Atocha.” He was a sea captain, a body guard for National Geographic, as well as others. He protected them from sharks.
His work was interrupted and completely stopped when the vessel he was on seized by Fidel Castro, who claimed they were in Cuban waters. They were in fact in “international waters.” Tom and his crew mates were held prisoners for approximately 9 months.
When they were finally released, the men and vessel were all that returned. The exploration and diving equipment were not returned and remain in Cuba to this day. President Ford and others helped secure his release
Tom finally chose to discontinue the hunting for treasure because he felt the new methods being used were o harmful to the ocean and coral reefs.
He went on to marry Linda Dunham where they settled down together in Rochester NY, and had 3 children, Joseph, Trevor and Emily. Emily gave him a grandson Marley, who always brought a twinkle to his eye. Tom and Linda were married for 40 years and were making plans for the next 40 years.
The plan has changed now, his wife ad children, as well as his mother, Irene; sisters: Claudia, Brenda and Laura and all the extended family members – will have to take comfort in knowing that the journey he is on now is taking him from home, but he will always have the salty spray of the ocean in his hair and the wind will be always at his back forevermore.
Toms’ wishes were that his ashes be scattered in a private location with immediate family only. This was done on June 4 th .
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