Daniel John Hersey

Daniel John Hersey - Rochester Cremation

Daniel John Hersey
DOB: 11/10/1948
Daniel John Hersey 75 years old of Rochester NY passed away on June 16 th , 2024.

A graveside memorial will be held at 10 AM on July 19 th , 2024, at Mount Hope Cemetery Rochester NY.
Dan Hersey was born in Portland Oregon in 1948. Graduated from East High school in June of 1967.
He was married to Ramona Hersey.
He is survived by two sons Daniel J Hersey (Katheryn) and Michael C Hersey (Silke).
He is survived by his 6 grandchildren, Anna, Victoria, Isaac, Keytlin, Jackson, James.
He had many nieces and nephews. He was a beloved uncle.
He is survived by his sister Susan C.
Daniel was a computer operator, an automotive technician, part time pizza delivery person since 1979 and later years an automotive instructor.
He was loved and cherished by many.

5 Condolences

  1. Sophia on June 26, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    Uncle Dan,

    I am going to miss you. I cannot believe you are gone. I’m glad to have spent quality time with you. You will always be in my heart and cherished. You were a good person and always willing to give a hand. Now a days it is rare to find people like you. Your dealings with people were honest and straight forward. You never took but only gave. You once said ” I would rather be the person to let someone borrow from verses the person owed back”. I hope you are at peace and near a stream panning for gold. You are so loved. Aunt Mona he is back with you.

  2. Susan C. on June 29, 2024 at 8:57 am

    My little brother

    I remember when we lived in Eagle Creek Oregon in our tar papered cabin “Baby Danny” would cry his lungs out in the middle of the night! My older brother (Gareth) and myself shared the long but narrow room in the back of the cabin. While woods hugged the hill just beyond our bedroom walls. Danny’s crib was at the far end of the room. He was loud when he cried! I remember walking home from school one afternoon and there was baby Danny with an old rusty discarded razor in one hand while chomping down on a slug in another hand. Ugh???? I remember heading back East and we got kicked off the bus as he was crying non-stop in Idaho. I remember attending classes at Monroe Community College that was located on Alexander Street, Rochester NY. Danny let me drive his little MG back and fourth to classes and I swear I messed up his gear shifts. (He never blamed me). Current times I remember cooking him dinner and trying to make it tasty for him . Our families had grown apart over the years. I was always glad when the door bell rang when he came for super and a movie with my daughter Sophia. Additionally spent time with my other daughter Julia and her my family on many occasion. His big sister Susan.

  3. Daniel Hersey Jr on June 29, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    I’m going to miss you Dad. I wish we had more time together. You were a good guy and I looked up to you. Learned from you. You helped make me who I am today.
    Danny Jr

  4. Chris Blaine on July 1, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    I knew Dan growing up because of my friendship with his son Michael. Dan was always one of the most unique person I had ever met. He always had some sort of words of wisdom to a part on me and I’m glad that in the last couple years, I got to know him a little bit better, helping him purchase some old cars and talking with him after the loss of his wife. He will surely be missed and the world will miss him.

  5. Gail Moizeau on July 5, 2024 at 3:01 pm

    Danny John, I wish I’d known you better. We,re cousins and you were always very much a part of my family, but we never seemed to be at the same place at the same time. I remember how excited we were by your birth, so far away in Oregon. I know you liked music and loved cars. I remember you and your Mom spending an afternoon with us in Palmyra, long ago. You wanted a particular sports car in the worst way–and I didn’t even know how to drive. You will be remembered and missed.
    Cousin Gail

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