How To Use Seashells At Funeral Services

funeral homes at Henrietta, NY

If you are arranging funeral homes at Henrietta, NY funeral homes s for a deceased loved one, you have the option of using special embellishments in the decor or to give the funeral a theme. You can choose to keep thing simple or you can give the funeral the design you want. if you are trying to figure out how to add seashells to the services, you have a lot of different options. Here are some to keep in mind when you are making your plans for a funeral with a beach or coastal theme.


Many people choose to use candles at their funeral services. The low lighting helps make the service a little more comfortable and many people associate candles with funeral services. You can use the candles as a way to use seashells in the service. You can tie shells to ribbons and then tie the ribbons around the candles. You can also melt the tops of candles and add small shells to them. When the wax hardens the shells will be stuck in the candle and can give it a coastal vibe.


Most people choose to have flowers at the services. Some people even buy large arrangements to put on top of the casket. If you want to add sea shells to your flower arrangements you can do so by gluing them onto ribbons and wrapping them round the stems of the plans. You may also choose to glue the shells directly on the petals of the flowers for a unique look. You can also coordinate the colors of the flowers with beach colors so they match well. You can also tell others that you are planning to give the funeral a coastal theme so they can find flowers that will match it too.

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If you want to add a coastal design to the funeral service but don’t want to use a lot of shells, you can still get the same effect by adding photos of shells and other imagery. You can even use photos of your loved one collecting shells, or photos of their shell collection. Other beach photos and artwork can be added as well. these things can be displayed near the casket so everyone who pays their respects can see them and it can set the tone for the service.

When you are planning funeral homes at Henrietta, NY funeral homes and you want to be able to add sea shell or a beach theme to the services, you have a lot of options to do so. The above tips and suggestions are just a few to keep in mind when making your plans. If you need help making your plans, be sure to reach out to Rochester Cremation. We are here to help answer any questions you might have and to help make your plans easier. Give us a call today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.