When you are planning a funeral service for a loved one and you want to think about all the different ways you can make it special, you may decide that it’s a good option to include the artwork for the deceased. This can be art that meant a lot to them or that they were proud of and it can be a nice way to make the service special and memorable. Here are a few different ways you can plan to include art in a funeral service at Greece, NY funeral homes. Keep them in mind when making your plans.
Display It
When you think about the details, you need to include in a funeral, you might decide to use photos and other things that you will show off the deceased’s life and personality. You can do the same with artwork. You simply frame the artwork or just make copies so you don’t have to haul the real versions into the funeral home. Simply display the artwork at the funeral so it can be seen by anyone who attends and pays their respects.
Ask Others To Create Art
You may decide that you want to include the artwork of others as a tribute to the deceased and their passion for art. It can be anything guests have made and it can be displayed at the funeral. You can also make it possible for family members to make art that they want to give to others so those who attend the funeral can take home a piece of art and remember the deceased whenever they think about it.
Decorate the Headstone
You can choose to use the artwork at the cemetery instead of the funeral service
if you choose.. You can do this in many different ways. You may choose to design the headstone
to focus on the deceased’s love of art.. You can also just decorate the headstone with things you and other people have made. You can change the décor whenever you choose and even encourage your others to make new items for holidays and special occasions. This will always keep the headstone looking nice with new things.
If you are thinking about having a funeral service at Greece, NY Funeral Homes, you might be looking for ways to make those services special or unique for those who attend. There are a lot of ways you can do this and if you deceased loved one happened to be an artist, you can choose to include their artworks. Here are some tips and suggestions to keep in mind when making your plans for a funeral and choosing to include artwork in the services. If you are ready to make your plans, be sure to reach out to Rochester Cremation. We are here to help you with all of your funeral planning needs. Give us a call today.